KSMAA Meetings

2025 section Meeting
March 28-29
Emporia State University
Joint meeting with KAMATYC.
Schedule with Abstracts and Schedule at a Glance
Map for Emporia State University
Our invited speakers are Dr. Opel Jones and Dr. Hortensia Soto.
2024 meeting
March 22-23, 2024, Washburn University, Topeka, KS.
Emilie Purvine is the AWM invited lecturer. She is a Senior Data Scientist and Mathematician at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Russ Goodman is the MAA Section Visitor.
Agenda for Business Meeting: click here
2023 KSMAA Meeting
The 2023 KSMAA meeting was held at Bethany College in Lindsborg, KS on April 14-15, 2023.
Dr. Sarah Greenwald, professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Appalachian State University, delivered an invited Polya Lecture. Professor Greenwald earned a PhD in Riemannian geometry from the University of Pennsylvania and a BS in mathematics from Union College. She has won multiple awards and is an AWM Fellow. More information on Dr. Greenwald can be found at https://cs.appstate.edu/sjg/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_J._Greenwald .
Dr. Adriana Salerno, mathematics professor at Bates College and MAA Vice President, was the MAA Section Visitor. Dr. Salerno’s main research area is Number Theory, in particular the intersections of number theory with geometry, physics, and cryptography. She is also very interested in the communication and teaching of mathematics to create a more inclusive and equitable STEM workforce. Her webpage is at https://www.bates.edu/faculty-expertise/profile/adriana-j-salerno/.
The 17th Kansas Collegiate Math Competition was held in conjunction with the meeting. For more information on the competition including questions and solutions from past years, visit https://www.pittstate.edu/math/kansas-collegiate-mathematics-competition.html .
2022 KSMAA Meeting
The 2022 KSMAA meeting was held April 8-9, 2022 at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS.
2021 KSMAA Meeting
The Spring Meeting of the Kansas Section of the MAA was held online March 26-27, 2021.
More on Past Meetings
For the location of past meetings, along with copies of programs, pictures, and business meeting minutes, visit the KSMAA History page and in a Library in the KSMAA Community on MAA Connect.