Awards of MAA - Kansas Section
(Teaching & Service)
KSMAA Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics
In 1991 the Mathematical Association of America instituted Awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics in order to honor college or university teachers who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful. Each year, every Section of the MAA is invited to select a college or university teacher to be honored with a Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. The procedure is left up to each individual section. See below for the link to the current call for nominations for the Kansas Section, along with a link to the Nomination Form as a Word Document. An awards committee chooses from among the nominations, and the winner of the KSMAA Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics is announced at a special ceremony at the Spring meeting of the section. The winner is then eligible to be the KSMAA nominee for the prestigious Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics for the next year.
Call for Nominations and Guidelines for KSMAA Teaching Award
Deadline February 1 each year.
Charles Himmelberg, University of Kansas
Gary McGrath, Pittsburg State University
Kay William Dundas, Hutchinson Community College
The MAA's Certificate for Meritorious Service
At its August meeting in 1983, the MAA Board of Governors voted to establish a Certificate for Meritorious Service to be presented at the National level or for service to a Section of the Association. The first such awards were presented at the August 1984 meeting.
The process of awarding the Certificate for Meritorious Service occurs essentially at the Section level. Each Section is entitled and encouraged to nominate one person for the award every five years. For this purpose, the Sections of the Association are separated into five groups, with one group of Sections making their nominations to the Board each year on a rotating basis. Previous winners of the Award for Distinguished Service to Mathematics are not eligible for the Certificate. The Certificate may be issued posthumously.
Each Section should appoint a committee of at least three members to select a single candidate for the award. The nominating committee should prepare a citation indicating the reasons for the selection of the nominee. The nominating committee should send electronically the final recommendation with the citation to the Secretary’s office: Sections should submit the nominations by October 1, of the preceding year (year of award minus 1); the Section’s recommendation must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.