KSMAA is the section of the Mathematical Association of America that serves the State of Kansas.
THe 2025 KSMAA Section Meeting
March 28-29
Emporia state university in emporia, KS
NAM Lecturer: Dr. Opel Jones, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
MAA Section Visitor: Dr. Hortensia Soto (MAA President)
This year’s MAA Section meeting will be a joint meeting with KAMATYC (Kansas Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges).
Student Math Competition Information—>Click Here
Consider being a speaker at our meeting—>Click here for registration form
To register for the meeting, click here—The registration deadline is March 20th.
To book a hotel room at the Holiday Inn Express—click here.
If you have questions about the meeting, please contact the chair, Brian Hollenbeck bhollenb(at)emporia.edu